Python - Working with predictive analytics

Python - Working with predictive analytics We will look at how the companies predict sales, real estate agents predict housing prices or insurance companies predict the healthcare costs. Predictive analytics roadmap Let’s look at the Cross Industry…

Posted by Vignesh S  on Sun, 8th Sep, 2019.     
 12 mins

Basic git commands you will ever need

To initialize a git repo To init a git project To check the status of changed files To check the status of files for changes To add file for commit To add all changed files To add all changes in current directory To add specific files To add multiple…

Posted by Vignesh S  on Sat, 20th Jul, 2019.     
 2 mins

Machine Learning A-Z

Machine Learning A-Z Introduction 1.1 Applications of ML Facebook image/face tagging. Kinect motion detection. VR headset movement. Speech to text, text to speech. Swipe keyboard prediction. IOT robot dogs. Facebook ads. Amazon netflix use ml to…

Posted by Vignesh S  on Sat, 20th Jul, 2019.     
 5 mins

Objects and Prototype in JS - Part 1

Basic JS Important Keywords arguments - is a JavaScript keyword used to iterate through all the arguments passed to a function. We can declare a function without any parameters passed in as seen above, and still be able to pass in any number of…

Posted by Vignesh S  on Wed, 3rd Jul, 2019.     
 1 min